What do UTC Parents think of the College

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Parents of UTC students confident in their children’s job prospects New research from the Baker Dearing Educational Trust, the charity that promotes University Technical Colleges (UTCs), reveals that parents who have children studying at UTCs feel more positive about their … Read More

Johnson Matthey Sustainability Award Winner

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UTC Swindon, the specialist engineering university technical college, and Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells, have jointly won the 2013/14 Johnson Matthey Sustainability Award for the development of the college’s buildings. See more at: http://www.buildingconstructiondesign.co.uk/news/utc-swindon-is-first-joint-johnson-matthey-sustainability-award-winner/#sthash.H7HuTMMu.dpuf

LABC Building Excellence Awards

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UTC Swindon has been nominated for three awards at the 2015 West of England Regional LABC (Local Authority Building Control) Building Excellence Awards. They are Best Change of use of an Existing Building or Conversion, Best Public Service Building and … Read More

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